Tag Archives: mcgill classics play

Things I Love Thursday

21 Feb

1. The Classics play! Yesterday was opening night, and I think we rocked it. No-one forgot any lines (though, to be fair, Baboushka and I had but seven apiece). Our director, who never ceases to impress me with her energy, dedication and mad skillz as a Classicist, was pleased, and we need to remember to get her flowers. Plus, it was lots of fun to slather our faces with bronzer in an attempt to recreated the swarthy swaggering sailor look.

2. This week is the Boy’s reading week, and so he braved the five-hour train ride to hang out in la belle province with me for a few days. He was brilliant, fixing our wobbly cabinets, going grocery shopping, helping me study for my midterm, and doing all the dishes. We also had lunch with his impressive-but-not-actually-that-scary aunt & uncle, and went on long snowy walks, and lazily watched Murdoch Mysteries in bed.

House Boyfrand

House Boyfrand is the best

3. Roomie bonding! On Tuesday, the Boy and Baboushka and I had an impromptu dinner party! Well, I consider it a dinner party if we sit down at the table and talk to one another instead of eating while watching TV. We had cabbage salad, crispy tofu, sweet potato fries & tomato soup, with pear fondu for dessert. Not bad for no planning, amirite? We topped the evening off with a Leonard Cohen sing-a-long, which I filmed surreptitiously (the off-key warbling is mine; Baboushka sings beautifully).

McGill Classics Play!

15 Feb


It wasn’t on our roomie bucket list, but we’ve spent many hours together in the past six weeks running lines and walking to and from rehearsal because we’re in the Choros of the McGill Classics Play this year!

If you’re in the Montreal area this coming week and like your Greek tragedy without death, come see a new translation of Sophocles’ Philoktetes at the MAI (3680 rue Jeanne-Mance)! Feb. 20-23 at 8 pm (doors at 7 pm), with an extra performance on the 23rd at 2 pm (doors at 1 pm).

“Give yourself to me for one day, one short madcap moment…” You have the rest of time to do your homework/go to the gym/sleep in.

Image from McGill Classics Play.