Tag Archives: quiche


19 Apr


I’m a big fan of productive procrastination. Don’t want to write that essay? No worries, you have floors to mop and sheets to wash and clothes to fold! Today, however, my chore of choice was to make dinner. I ate a pound of baby carrots and downed four glasses of almond milk for dins yesterday, so I figured I could get my 50s housewife on and actually cook. My fridge was getting a little too full of wilting vegetables, and to use them all up, I made a broccoli-tomato-and-red-pepper quiche, served on a bed of arugula. It sounds fancy, but honestly, it’s like making an omelette but with a little more chopping. Here’s how to do it, with most quantities guesstimated:

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Pierce (store bought) pie crust half a dozen times with a fork, place on baking tray, and bake it for 7 minutes.
2. Chop all desired vegetables into bite-size pieces, and sauté quickly. (For broccoli and other harder vegetables, you can blanch for a minute first.)
3. Beat together five eggs, 1/2 c. of cow/goat/almond/soy milk, 3 tbsp of flour, 1 tsp of baking powder, whatever desired spices.
4. Add vegetables into egg mixture.
5. Pour mixture into crust. Make sure that you don’t over-fill the crust; scrubbing away burnt egg from baking trays is not fun. You can easily make a mini portion of veggie scrambled eggs with your leftovers, and snack while the quiche is a a-baking.
6. Bake for 40 minutes.

Only after you’ve cooked and gorged yourself on the fruits of your labour do you have to return to the paper of doom. So take your time!