Tag Archives: wisdom teeth

Post-Wisdom Teeth Extraction Foods

2 Sep

IMG_4217When I got my wisdom teeth out in mid-August, it was a fairly painless procedure. Oh sure, I was popping codeine for a few days, and it was awful to swallow for the first few hours (hey there, numb lower lip & buckets o’ drool), but I sustained no nerve damage and was up & at work by the Monday following my Friday extraction. What was challenging, however, was mealtime. You can only drink so much pear juice, fizzy water and iced peppermint tea before you crave something slightly more solid, and even yogurt and applesauce doesn’t cut it after a day or two. But some foods do, even if they are mush!

ONE: Vegetable Mash
Get your green on with the help of a high-powered blender. I went for broccoli and cauliflower — one small head of each — and steamed them until they became tender. Pop the veg in a blender, add a cup or so of almond milk, and blend until you don’t have to chew in order to swallow.

TWO: Whipped salmon
The Boy’s mum actually made this for me — one day post-surgery, I had the strongest desire to doze in her beautiful garden, after which she fed me the salmon and zucchini-bean soup — so I haven’t the exact recipe. But I believe it’s just a can of salmon blended with some mayo. If you don’t want it so creamy, swap the mayo for tomato sauce.

THREE: Mashed Potatoes
Yes yes, I bought my mashed potatoes from the lovely Westerly restaurant on Roncesvalles, but if you’re a better planner, it’s dead easy to make your own, and if you want more variety, try a sweet potato or winter squash mash.

FOUR: Scrambled Eggs
These were a little tricky as it takes forever to chew with your front teeth alone, and I ended up asking the Boy to transform the eggs into an unappetizing mush (not pictured). But it was filling!

Other ideas: hummus, soup, yogurt (or cultured coconut milk), ice cream (or soy alternatives), popsicles, baby food.

Sympathy Mashed Potatoes

17 Aug

Mad props for The Westerly on Roncesvalles! I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday and after OD’ing on pear juice and almond milk, was craving actual food by dinnertime. Some menu-surfing told me that a few of The Westerly’s dinners came with mashed potatoes, and the Boy called up to ask if we could order an extra-large side of them. Not only did the wonderful Westerly agree, but when we picked them up, the ‘taters were on the house since “it sucks getting your wisdom teeth out.”

The potatoes were delish — smooth (big plus right now), creamy and generously proportioned — and now I know where I’ll go for my first post-chipmunk-cheeks dinner out! I’ve only brunched at The Westerly before, but I cannot wait to try their pan-seared trout.